Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economic Republik of Indonesia open XporA International Logistic and Trade Expo
Friday, 16 December 2022 02:42 pm
Agro- Through virtual conference, Ministry of Tourism and creative economic
Republik of indonesia, Sandiaga Uno open XporA International Logistic and Trade
Expo in Claro hotel Makassar November 13th 2022. this event is an initiation from government,
Makassar Customs and BNI 46 as encouragement for community to do export
especially businessmen and Micro Small and medium enterprises who want to do
According to Mr. Sandiaga Uno, “ this event encourages export, because its facilitate exprorters to-be to make the legall papers until meet with the buyers”. The minister also thanked to all stakeholders for their support”. “ thankyou to Mr. Andhi Pramono from Makassar customs who is the originator and also BNI 46 to support this event XporA International Logistic and Trade Expo” said Mr Sandiaga Uno.
International Logistic and Trade Expo is the first expo that joined all the
stakeholders relate to export activity.
Head office
of Custom Makassar Dr. Andhi Pramono SE MM explained that this was the first
expo that present all the stakeholders in export activity, such as Customs Makassar (Ministry of Finance)
, Agricultural Quarantine Center (Ministry of Forestry) , Fair Trade Agreement Center Makassar (Ministry of
Trade), Forwarders and Lines company and also BNI 46 XporA and last Imigration
booth for consultation about how to apply pasport.
He also
added, one of Customs Makassar service is Export Asistance whis is a
breakthrough one stop service in export suply chain, where a to-be exporters
directly connected with all stakeholders in axport activity.
He wished
that, “the XporA International Logistic
and Trade Expo event can encourage ekspor activity especially in East