5 Popular Methods for Brewing Coffee You Must Know!

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Saturday, 2 November 2024 06:53 pm

Nowadays, drinking coffee has become a lifestyle that is widely adopted by people in big cities in Indonesia. This can be seen with the increasing number of coffee shops scattered in various regions. Not only foreign coffee shops, but now local coffee shops that offer quality Indonesian coffee beans are also popular. Uniquely, these local coffee shops offer more coffee drinks with various brewing techniques. Of course, each brewing technique presented in making coffee is different. Different ways of serving alone, then the resulting coffee flavor will also be different. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most popular coffee brewing methods. Check this out.

Types of Coffee Brewing Methods

1. French Press

The first popular brewing technique was the French Press also known as a "press pot" or "plunger pot,". It is a popular brewing method that originated in France and offers a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. This manual brewing technique requires a tubular device complete with a press and strainer inside. The technique in serving coffee is made using a special glass and a tube-shaped tool complete with a press and filter inside. If you will see the shape of a glass that has a pressing tool on the lid of the glass, then it is a tool called a French Press.

2. Pour Over

Also known as the V60 Technique, Pour Over is a popular and sought-after technique in local coffee shops. To brew coffee, you need a special cone-shaped filter paper as a container for the ground coffee beans, then pour the coffee powder with hot water. The function of the filter is to reduce the acidity of the coffee, this technique is also suitable for those of you who don't really like the taste of coffee that is too strong as produced through the previous two techniques.

3. Vietnam Drip

As the name implies, Vietnamese Drip is a coffee brewing technique that originated in Vietnam. This technique consists of two filters (top and bottom), a cup, and a lid. The filter is commonly referred to as a tamper that serves to press the coffee when it is scalded with hot water, thus producing coffee liquid into the cup. This technique also requires a long time to wait for the coffee to drop into the cup-drip by drop. If you like a sweet taste, you can put some thick creamer in the cup. Then place the Vietnam Drip and wait for the coffee droplets to fill your cup. After that, please enjoy.

4. Espresso

Next, the espresso brewing technique is also one of the most iconic and intense coffee brewing methods, known for its rich and intense flavor. In the process, this technique uses an espresso machine that will produce a crema with a golden brown color. The best type of coffee roasting that can be done on this machine is medium to dark. The results of compounding coffee with an espresso machine can produce coffee with a balanced taste. The resulting characteristics of this brewing technique are known for their strong and bold flavors, with a smooth texture and rich aroma.

5. Syphon

Last but not least, Syphon. This coffee bean brewing technique is quite unique. Syphon is the name of the main tool used for this technique, shaped like a chemical tube consisting of several arrays and there is also a filter made of flannel. The syphon is heated, producing water vapor that then rises through the filter and soaks the coffee, resulting in coffee water with a distinctive flavor. Although it sounds quite complicated, but it turns out that this technique is fun to practice directly


In conclusion, each of the popular coffee brewing techniques each offers a unique way to enjoy the rich flavor of coffee. These methods not only enhance the flavor but also reflect the cultural heritage behind them. Apart from the brewing method, the coffee bean selector also determines the quality of the beverage made. One type of coffee that is popular and much sought after today is Toraja coffee beans.

For those who want to experience the distinct flavor of Toraja Arabica coffee beans, these brewing techniques are ideal for unlocking its bold, earthy, and smooth characteristics. Senjani Coffee, a provider of high-quality Toraja Arabica coffee beans sourced directly from local farmers, offers a sustainable and authentic coffee experience. By choosing Senjani, you are supporting local farmers while savoring the true essence of Toraja coffee in every cup.

Click here for more info.

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