Tuesday, 2 August 2022 08:49 am
Senjani Agro - When enjoying this cup of coffee, maybe the pleasure is not in the taste or composition or the way of presentation which may be the same in some places but in the atmosphere and the story of the journey to reach this coffee garden which is so challenging.
To achieve this plantation, it must be a long journey, on the other hand, the role of the village government and local government is needed to support coffee farmers, for example starting from access to transportation and marketing. The role of local governments, for example, is to reject the capitalization of coffee prices which are determined arbitrarily by coffee middlemen.
Senjani is here as a solution for coffee farmers. Not only assisting
farmers in resisting price capitalization by bringing their coffee to the
international market, farmers are also assisted from seed selection, planting,
maintenance to harvesting and post-harvest processing to produce high quality
coffee beans.