Monday, 12 September 2022 09:42 am
Senjani Agro - His name is Randy (7
years old), I met him when a child his age was going to school. He's a smart
and diligent boy,''said his father.
Usually when he was still in school, Randy
would go through his routine, which was to go with his father to the garden
taking care of the coffee plants.
the afternoon, he also spends time with his friends, playing. Is not the world,
childhood is the world of play.
In addition to formal education at school, he received concrete skills
education from caring for coffee plants which one day will become his routine
in living his life in the future. In addition, he also had the opportunity to
play with his peers and parents who believed in him.
I smiled and was impressed. A boy
who is used to and manages time in a rural setting. He went about his routine
happily. He is already very skilled at helping his father.
Until one day he decided
to quit school. Could it be an issue of accessibility or cost. After all, the
school fees are not already free, and there is already school operational assistance
budget from government (BOS). It turned out that the reason he dropped out of
school was accessibility. The distance between home and school is about 10 Km.
He also added that he said school was boring, now he spends more time in the
coffee garden, it's more concrete and useful, isn't it.
values life in a different way, opting out of formal education. He
learned about plantations directly from his experienced father rather than
having to learn theory that didn't necessarily suit his needs.